Choosing a Gemstone
Gemstones have been around for centuries and praised by many for their healing qualities. Gemstones are created by the Earth with all different kinds of minerals and energies. It can be overwhelming trying to choose the best one for you when we have so many different options. If you are ever in the presence of gemstones, the right one will choose you. Using your intuition, whatever stone jumps out at you or gets your attention is the one that is meant for you. Here are some basic ideas to consider when choosing the best one for you.

Each month has different stones associated with it. Choosing a stone that is connected to your birth month may help you feel more connected to yourself or align with your energy. It’s an easy way to choose a stone or a good place to start with choosing stones for yourself. Here’s a list of each month and the stones associated with that month.
Zodiac Sign
Each Zodiac sign has certain stones associated with it. These stones help bring balance to these signs. Think about it like this, each zodiac sign is connected to an element. Usually the stones that are great for that zodiac sign are also good for creating balance with the element of that sign. For instance, Aries is a fire sign, they can use Aquamarine to help tame their inner fire if they get too fiery and Citrine is useful to transmute that fire to help manifest things into their lives. Here’s a list of zodiac signs and their associated stones.

Each stone has metaphysical properties attached to it. Meaning there are certain energies that the stone carries to pass on. People seek healing and stones are a great way to help incorporate that healing energy into our lives. Here are a few examples of different stones and their healing qualities.